Here is how ozone generators are used in pharmaceutical plants:
Oct.2023 06
Views: 503

Here is how ozone generators are used in pharmaceutical plants:

With the rapid development of ozone generators, more and more pharmaceutical companies are using ozone generator machines and equipment. The application of ozone generators in the biopharmaceutical field is also expanding.

With the rapid development of ozone generators, more and more pharmaceutical companies are using ozone generator machines and equipment. The application of ozone generators in the biopharmaceutical field is also expanding. The key is to eliminate airborne pathogens in the ecological environment, floating in industrial equipment and mechanical equipment, molds and vessel surfaces, and on building surfaces to maintain a clean production environment (aseptic testing workshop) as required.

Applications of ozone generators in pharmaceutical companies:

  1. Sterilization and disinfection of drug containers

  2. Sterilization and disinfection of surfaces of mechanical equipment and instruments

  3. Sterilization and disinfection of work clothing

  4. Sterilization and disinfection of working environments, production workshops and aseptic testing workshops

The specific method of disinfecting drug containers, instruments and machines of medical groups is to immediately put high-concentration ozone into pipes and containers, maintain the mass concentration of ozone to meet disinfection needs, or place them in ozone water for a period of time. Disinfection of the area can be achieved by directly introducing ozone into the space, or by placing the ozone generator at the positive pressure air outlet of the central pipeline to introduce ozone into each purification workshop through the air ducts.

Difficulties in sterilization and disinfection: People cannot stay in the sterilization and disinfection room during the process.

Standards for ozone generator concentration:

  1. Classify the concentration values and models of ozone generators according to the conversion of ozone units produced by ozone generators. Ozone weight caused by ozone is measured in mg/h and g/h, meaning the net weight of ozone produced by the ozone generator in one hour of operation.

  2. The concentration units of ozone in air are mg/m, and in water are ppm or mg/L. The ozone concentration in air is 1ppm=2.14mg/m, and the concentration in water is 1ppm=1mg/L.

  3. When the ozone concentration in air reaches 0.15ppm, most people can smell it, which is within healthy limits.

  4. When industrial ozone generators are used for space disinfection, the ozone concentration can be 10-20mg/m under unsealed conditions or reach 30mg/m under sealed conditions if the cleanroom grade is below 30000. For disinfection and sterilization of machinery and objects in the workshop, the ozone concentration can reach 20-30mg/m assuming the cleanroom grade is 100,000 or 10,000. The ozone concentration can reach 30-100mg/m. The ozone concentration in the packaging products after ozone fumigation can reach 50-200mg/m.

  5. When the ozone concentration in air reaches a certain standard value, it will cause environmental pollution and harm human health. An ozone concentration exceeding 0.16mg/m in the daily living environment represents environmental pollution, and a concentration reaching 0.2mg/m in office spaces also represents environmental pollution.